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Jeffrey Steele

3rd & Lindsley
Nashville, TN

August 13, 2004

What an evening! Surprise opener Jamey Garner started the show off right. What an incredible singer / songwriter / musician. You may remember Jamey from the first year of Nashville Star. I always said Jamey got booted from that show way too early and judging by the response of the crowd tonight, an awful lot of folks agree with me.

Later in the evening when Jeffrey was singing "I Can't Stop You", the song he wrote when daughter Casey left home for California, Jeff's wife Stephanie called Casey on the cell phone so she could hear her dad singing "her song". A friend got Jeff's attention to let him know that Casey was listening so Jeff sang the rest of the song into the phone for Casey and then had a brief chat with her; beaming from ear to ear like the proud papa he is.

About 1:00am Bob DiPiero dropped in for a few songs. Man oh man, what a rockin' show that was. All I can say is if you missed this one then you really missed something special.

(Click on any photo to see enlargement)

Jamey Garner opens up for Jeffrey and gets the crowd going.
Jeffrey takes the stage and the room erupts!
Jeffrey sings "I Can't Stop You" to daughter Casey in California.
About 1am Bobby D shows up to rock the house!

Jeffrey & Bobby D.

Steve C.

Tom Hambridge

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