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Jeffrey Steele

Swallow at the Hollow
Roswell, GA

Mar 18, 2005

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Tonight we had a one man show ....... and man what a show! Jeffrey Steele, his guitar and a keyboard. Jeff kidded several times throughout the evening that he felt a little bit lost without his band, especially on the more rockin' tunes ..... but I have to say, as much as I love all the guys in the band, I didn't miss 'em a bit. Jeff came on stage and picked up the guitar and immediately got the room going. The crowd was shouting out requests from all over the room ..... Jeff did all of them before the evening was over. He usually gives us a couple of songs on the keyboard .... such as "When The Lights Go Down" and other of his "softer" songs. Well tonight we got an extra large dose of the wonderful piano talents of Jeffrey. He gave us a medley of all the music that has inspired him over the years, and then we got several of his own songs as well. Then it was back to the guitar for more songs (and requests) to conclude the show that lasted over three hours. (In fact, at one point, Jeff had his guitar while sitting at the keyboard and he'd play a verse and/or chorus of a song on the guitar and one on the keyboard!) If you missed this show, you missed one of the best I've ever seen.

Photos can also be viewed on Jeffreys official website on the "in concert" page.
Click here!

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