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Ray Herndon

Douglas Corner Cafe`
Jan 15, 2005

(Click on any picture to see enlargement)

Another incredible show from the incomparable Ray Herndon. Ray brought along the whole band again tonight, and we were treated to some special guests as well. Ty Herndon and Linda Davis were both in the audience tonight and joined Ray onstage for a few songs. I took my mom along for the ride tonight and she was one happy camper!

Ray's band: Lisa Martin (vocals), Billy Thomas (vocals), Matt McKenzie (bass), Matt Rollings (keys), Sean Paddock (drums), Buck Reid (steel), Vinnie Ciesielski (trumpet), Roy Agee (trombone), Jim Hoke (sax).

The man himself
Mr. Ray Herndon

Singin' "Me & You"

Some mighty fine pickin'

Singin' my fav song
"I Don't Believe The Devil's Gonna Get Me"

Tunin' a little



Ray and band


Ray, Lisa, Matt M

Ray - Matt M - Matt R
(No, that's not a typo, there are two Matt's!)

Jim, Vinnie, Roy

Special Guest Linda Davis with Ray, Billy & Lisa

Ray, Linda, Billy, Lisa

Ray, Linda, Billy, Lisa

Ray, Linda, Billy, Lisa

Special Guest Ty Herndon joins Ray onstage

Ty Herndon

Ty and Ray

Ty and Ray

Ty Herndon

Big hug .....
(sorry this one is a
bit out of focus)



Matt Rollings

Sean Paddock

Buck Reid

Lisa Martin

Ray and Lisa


Smilin' for the camera

Singin' his heart out

Come on y'all ...
sing along ...

Thank you and
good evening!
Please visit RayHerndon.net for the lastest news and tour updates for Ray. You can also order "Livin' The Dream" from the website.
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